A Very Sad Goodbye !

21 05 2011

***A note from Gaz: The final paragraph asks for YOUR input on how this blog is run, if you don’t read anything else, please read that and let me have your thoughts, thanks, Gaz***

The Long Goodbye:

Well, 2 Very sad goodbyes actually.Nooooo, not me, you can’t get rid of me so easy.

First was Wouters, never before have I welled up watching the sport I love, as much as I did when Trek Leopard and Tyler Farrar crossed the finish line in unison after the death of Wouter and then (in the correct thing to do) left the Giro.

The Second Goodbye:

I have purchased a new bike, it’s the most special of specials, I was close to getting a Trek Madone, but I didn’t, as much as I’d have loved one, I’m not a fan of the “None Project One”paint jobs, and the Project One, ones mean I will end up paying more than I did for my car. That said, the bike I did order ran a project one Madone close when it comes to cost, as such I need to move on a bike in order to not overstretch myself, as such , the “Custom Carbon” has to go…..:-(

Want to own something owned by me? Feel free to let me know in the comments, I have done my sums and I spent £995 in total (original estimates were lower as I didn’t count the wheels and sundry parts, I only counted Groupset and Frame) I am hoping to get around £900, someone out there is going to get a stunning bike, that’s only been rode 3 times, with a “famous” history/owner 🙂

You Think That I am Cooler Than You ?

Well, that’s because I am :), for this week, I got some new “Bins” or Glasses, being as blind as I am, its hard to get wrap around’s as most only go to -6 and im -9 and -8, however, I found a semi-wrap pair and stuck a mirrored tint in them

The AWESOME thing about the Mirror is that you wont be able to see the pain etched on my face when I am riding myself into the ground and vice versa, if I am racing someone and I am fresh, I might drop back, making them think I am struggling as they can’t see, only to fly past when the moment is right  🙂

This Week:

I finally got back into the grove, by the end of the week I was averaging 19 Mph over 10 miles and on Friday I put in a huge number of miles , almost as many as I’d done in the 4 days prior.

Weight wise I am now back to where I was.

and I have a new, cycling related tattoo, will post pictures next week , once it has settled down a little as I only got it done today.

So all in all, things are SOOO much better than they were a little over a week ago.


and finally.

I was contacted by a travel company who offered me a holiday in exchange for promotion of them, on here, as it was, the holiday would have suited, but it got me thinking, getting over 12k hits a month might be attractive to some corporate brands.

If I got an official bike partner and an official holiday partner, it would then give me the chance to save money for my skin operation,heck I could even look for an official “cosmetic surgery” partner.

Do you think it would be a bad idea to do such a thing ? the content and message I promote here would NEVER change, but It would give me that chance of “Finishing this journey”

Would love to know your thoughts.

