Ride Report : Manchester To Blackpool 2011 – New PB – Video Of Finish

10 07 2011

Phew, That WAS fun.

Setting off at just after 7am today, I had planned to attack for 62 miles, late on yesterday, the man who put the “O” into Dean-O, said he wouldn’t be riding with me, bummer, I had been saying all year I wanted a 20 Mph average, taking me in at just under 3 hours, without anyone else, the task would be near impossible. As it turns out, Dean-o did indeed ride with me today, and boy was it a great day in the saddle.

The ride started a few days ago with the main preparation for any major ride.

Then late last night, it was pin the number on the jersey time:

Manchester to Blackpool pinning the number on the jersey

The first 35 miles flew by, we were averaging over 20 Mph, and not one single rider had passed us, all was good, no, not good, it was  great, such little effort was required Dean said “Its like being at home on the sofa”

Time to Make It More Difficult:

You know me, I don’t do things the easy way, the next thing I hear was my worst nightmare on a ride like this, Dean shouted from behind “Shit….Punctutre”

Noooooo, everything was going so well, now, this was going to knock us off our stride.

Pump It Baby

Just as we were setting back off, some random guy on a MTB rolled up asking what he could do for cramp, we were around 22 miles from the finish, he looked in so much pain, we offered him advice and Gels and set back on our way.

Oh BTW, Andy from work, dont just ride past saying “Gaz, hello” when I am at the side of the road with a Dean-sil in distress 😉

After we got going again we struggled to keep up the work rate, the issue I was having and I hope Dean doesnt mind me saying this, is that I was doing about 70% of the work on the front, after all, the target was mine to chase.

Preston came and went and that nasty , leg sapping climb hurt, soon it would be time to meet my nemesis, Lytham St Annes’ WIND !


This was the 3rd year in a row I had done this ride, the first, when we hit Lytham, my speed dropped to around 4 Mph, last year, I just about held double figures, this year wasnt gonna be the same, we rode off the back of a group for a couple of miles, then we rounded the corner to the Sea Front at Lytham and BOOM ! headwind and a nasty one, I said “there’s only one thing to do” and I attacked HARD, Dean grabbed my back wheel and we dropped the group , I was holding around 18 Mph, my hear rate was at 98% I was on the drops, head down and I was suffering like I had NEVER suffered before, as we came to the end of Lytham, I was throwing water into my mouth, over my head and onto my legs, I was putting THAT much effort in, one of the Lytham miles I had managed to average almost 19 Mph in, now that’s a proud moment !

Cramp, Suffer, Push:

The next 7 miles were a haze of pain and suffering, I was pushing pushing pushing, I asked Dean if he was able to take over, he told me he was giving 100% just holding my wheel, it would be down to me, I cramped up a couple of times and a couple of the miles were slow, but with 3 miles to go, I got back on the drops and I pushed so hard again!

The Final Count Down:

We rounded the final corner, the pain had gone, I could see the finish line, Dean offered to “Do a Mark Renshaw” I wasnt sure I could sprint , I was suffering that much I said “Ok, let’s try” he upped the pace a little, that was enough for me, with about 300m to go, I stood up and I went for the sprint HARD, my legs, lungs everything was on FIRE.

I crossed that finish line around 10 seconds in front, I had done the work and was rewarded with the sprint, Thank you dude !

Here is a video of it:

I had put myself into places I never thought I could, as soon as I got off the bike, I wasnt able to stand up, I had “left it ALL on the bike”

Manchester to Blackpool 2011 Gaz after the race

The Time:

The time, well, I failed, I finished the ride in 3 Hours 10 Mins, 35 Mins faster than last year, but 10 mins short of collecting a few promises of “Double sponsorship” for beating the 3 hour mark, as you can see from that picture above, I gave it EVERYTHING I had, I am proud of averagng 19.4 Mph, but dissapointed in failing.

One thing I can assure you all of, is right now, I am plotting for NEXT Year and I WONT Fail  !!!!

Post Ride Piccys:

Manchester to Blackpool 2011 post ride, ride

Manchester to Blackpool 2011 gaz in radioshack kit

Manchester to Blackpool 2011 Gaz in christie kit

Right, I’m SHATTERED, Time for bed, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sponsor me, its for a GREAT CAUSE !

If this or I have inspired you, then PLEASE sponsor me for the 2011 Manchester to Blackpool charity ride, together, we CAN beat cancer.




13 responses

10 07 2011

70% of the work is being generous. I’d say you did more like 90%! Good ride ‘r kid, don’t be too disconsolate about not breaking the 3 hours, 3:10 is a very good time. Hopefully I’ll be in better shape to take on more of the work next year (tri bars and aero wheels might help too).

11 07 2011

Thanks Dude

Was a REALLY enjoyable day in the saddle, infact, one of the MOST enjoyable days on the bike

If we can work like a “Train” next year, al the way there, we could do 2hrs 45min 🙂

Get Training 🙂

11 07 2011
Adrian Cherry

A fantastic effort Gaz – you have my utmost admiration for what you have achieved. Unfortunately I can’t find the words to express my respect for what you have done. You see people being lauded as “Ambassadors for the sport”, well you are in that pantheon. As far as I’m concerned you can stand shoulder to shoulder with Robert Millar and Stephen Roche ( you can tell when I started watching Le Tour!!).

I’m sure that you’ll get your goal next year, the Preston to Warton route is my daily commute so I’m half considering entering next year, although I doubt I can match your pace!

11 07 2011


First off, the sponsorship, thank you, so much, now I need to call in a few others that promised the same, your leading the way 🙂

Yes was amazing, on the drops, poweing along, now I know why the pro’s love it, the pain , suffering, its really enjoyable 😉

You should do it next year and do what ever it takes for you to enjoy it, that migh no be chasing 3 hrs like me, but as long as you enjoy it, thats all that matters, ride safe


11 07 2011

Super ride Gaz!

I was out on a CycleChat forum ride with potsy and Pennine-Paul yesterday and we used potsy’s smartphone to check your result while Paul was fixing his ailing bike. Our reaction was “3 hrs10 mins – flipping heck, that’s near enough a 20 mph average!”

We know what that coastal wind is like because we did a forum ride including Lytham to Fleetwood via Blackpool earlier in the year. We were rushing to catch a ferry at Fleetwood and it was very hard work trying to maintain 20 mph into that windI

Let’s see what you can do on the Manchester 100 in September now!

13 07 2011

Thanks Mate, REALLY enjoyed nailing myself for 3 hours solid, one of , if not THE best days on the bike.

If I can get my nutrition “Sorted” by then, I bet i’ll fly 🙂


12 07 2011

Fantastic effort Gaz!

Lytham front is part of my Preston-St Annes commute and it’s always tough! Still it’ll be a tailwind for when you do Manchester-Blackpool-Manchester ride soon! 😉

14 07 2011

Thanks dude

Looking forward to when I can go there n back

12 07 2011
Skippy Mc Carthy

Copped two punctures on Sunday in the final 10km on the TDF etappe when i was re riding the final 50km to find friends i had passed earlier and were having a ” fete ” at the side of the route ! Seemed like i would never get to

Seen some really interesting climbs you would have enjoyed had you come along ! There are a few guys riding with 4 panniers like ” georgethecyclist.blogspot “

14 07 2011

Sounds awesome

I’m unlikely to be able to ride anything like that tbh tho mate

14 07 2011

Great stuff there and loving the new bikes. When the ToB went from ‘Dale to Blackpool last year they only averaged something like 23mph due to the horrific Westerly winds. I know you had a South Easterly if you had a day to do it that was it. Will make a huge difference to your next attempt. Love to help too but I only like doing longer distances in blazing sun, fingers crossed. Hoping to do Manc 100 as well to av 20mph.

14 07 2011

Sooooo I’m 3mph under bring a pro ? Awesome lol

Was great fun – just need a peloton now, not sure many people can average 20mph on what was, basically a 100km TT ( sorry Dean )


26 12 2011
2011 In Review – It’s Been A Kind, but Not Perfect Year. « The Cyclist who FORMERLY Weighed 39 Stone (559 Pounds)

[…] Manchester to Blackpool time was the quickest ever  time on a bicycle for me (At the time) and I was able to suffer […]

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